IP Student Achievements Keep Flowing

Thursday, November 12, 2020 11:05 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Ul Inati, Feninda and Ismi Imania as Participants in the 2020 Pimnas (Photo: Special)

IP students made another brilliant achievement at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. First, a team passed PIMNAS (National Scientific Week) XXXIII in 2020. The team consisting of Ul Inanti (2018), Feninda Eka Tasya (2018), Ismi Imania Eka Ikhsani (2018) managed to defend their scientific work in front of reviewers. They raised the issue of agriculture in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. Ul greeting one of the team members said that making this scientific paper was quite long and was assisted by the guidance process by Lecturer Ach. Aprianto Romadhan, M.Sc. We are grateful for this success because it brought the university's name to participate in prestigious national events such as PIMNAS.

Nara Winda Agungningtyas as 2nd Winner of the East Java II Paragliding League for Women's U-19 Accuracy. (Photo: Special)

Furthermore, another achievement was made by a new IP (2020) UMM student named Nara Winda Agusningtyas, who won 2nd place in the East Java Paragliding League. This student, who has been paragliding since high school, won 2nd place after defeating several participants from other regions. Nara hopes that this achievement can continue to improve and is proud to contribute to the University and Study Program.

