Submission for Plagiarism Check

A. Plagiarism Requirements

  1. Scan the approval sheet for the thesis defense from your academic advisor.
  2. Scan the receipt of the plagiarism check payment of IDR 25,000 (payment can be made via the infokhs menu under "Other" and include a note specifying "plagiarism check").
  3. Scan the plagiarism detection application form (download here).
  4. Submit the thesis soft file in Word format, with each chapter saved as a separate file.
  5. Send all the above requirements via email to
  6. Maximum plagiarism limits:
    • Chapter I = 10%
    • Chapter II = 10%
    • Chapter III = 15%
    • Chapter IV = 5%
    • Chapter V = 5%
  7. Each student is allowed a maximum of 3 (three) plagiarism checks.

B. Plagiarism Workflow