A. Plagiarism Requirements
- Scan the approval sheet for the thesis defense from your academic advisor.
- Scan the receipt of the plagiarism check payment of IDR 25,000 (payment can be made via the infokhs menu under "Other" and include a note specifying "plagiarism check").
- Scan the plagiarism detection application form (download here).
- Submit the thesis soft file in Word format, with each chapter saved as a separate file.
- Send all the above requirements via email to plagiasiprodiip@gmail.com.
- Maximum plagiarism limits:
- Chapter I = 10%
- Chapter II = 10%
- Chapter III = 15%
- Chapter IV = 5%
- Chapter V = 5%
- Each student is allowed a maximum of 3 (three) plagiarism checks.
B. Plagiarism Workflow