The Government Studies is one of the study programs in the Faculty of Social and Politic Sciences of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang; the study program of which was first established in 1986 according to the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 0502/O/1516. At first, the study program of Government Studies aimed at accommodating the graduates of the Academy of Public Affairs (APDN Malang) to earn an undergraduate degree. Therefore, the establishment of Government Studies at Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang was initially to address the functionaries within the government. The study program of Government Studies provides its students with comprehensive knowledge and skills in the field of governance. 

In its development, the Government Studies of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang does not only aim at producing its graduates to work at governmental functionaries, but also for the politic field, as well as Non-Governmental Organizations, private sectors, and journalistic.

The increasing role of political parties in all areas has marked the progress of political and governmental field post-reformation in Indonesia; the fact enables the parties to grow and develop in nearly all over the country, both in cities and villages.  As an addition, the implementation of decentralization and regional autonomy have provided each region the opportunity to manage and conduct its government following the initiative and aspiration of the local people.

Therefore, every region will require qualified human resources that are not only skillful but also have good conduct, as well as having the capacity and knowledge quality in the respective field.To address the regional needs of qualified and skillful human resources to conduct a democratic life of political and governmental entities, the study program of Government Studies of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang invites all regional graduates to join the learning.The study program, having a spacious area and strategic location in the center part of the Malang and Batu area along with fresh air in its surroundings, enables its students to have a conducive and fun environment to learn at the Government Studies of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.   Apart from that, the Government Studies study program of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UMM with its professor, master, and doctor lecturers since 1986 has produced professional graduates for public and private institutions. There are numerous Government Studies study program alumni that work as civil servants in the governmental institution, both in the central, province and regional area.