Improve the Quality of Practicum, UMM IP Lab conducts Workshop

Monday, August 22, 2022 00:19 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

UMM IP Laboratory continues to improve practical activities. This is intended so that the practicum model carried out is in accordance with the development of science and is able to produce output skills and competencies for students that can be useful when entering the world of work. These expectations were formulated together in the Practicum Module Workshop which was held at Rayz Hotel UMM, Saturday, August 19, 2022.

Ali Roziqin, S.AP., M.PA as the Head of the IP Lab in his speech as well as guiding the activities said that the practicum design should be able to support the learning outcomes of UMM IP Study Program. For this reason, we need an adaptive practicum module that is able to provide complete abilities for students starting from understanding, explaining and analyzing a problem. "This workshop aims to be able to produce a practicum module that provides complete guidelines for implementing internships to be more effective and efficient," explained Ali. The practicum modules of the subjects in the workshop are Government Research Internships, Urban Politics, Financial Governance, planning and development systems and Government Information Technology.

Ali Roziqin was accompanied by Mashuri (IP Lab Lab) in the Practicum Module presentation session. (photo: Hendra)

Furthermore, Ali Roziqin added that this practicum module is a guide for implementing practicum courses for the Odd semesters of the 2022/2023 academic year. In the workshop, substantial things were agreed on the methods and instruments of the practicum and the outcomes to be achieved. "The practicum is designed to provide students with practical skills that will increase their competence when they graduate," added Ali. For example, in the development planning system, students will be asked to analyze the accuracy of the APBDES to accelerate development in the village. "These analytical skills will certainly be very useful for students if they return to the village or want to work for the village government," closed Ali.
