Improving Curriculum Quality, UMM IP Study Program Holds RPS OBE Workshop

Saturday, August 20, 2022 22:05 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

UMM IP Study Program continuesshows significant developments in the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) and also the preparation for international accreditationBusiness Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) which is targeted to be achieved in 2022.As a study program with an excellent accreditation status, the IP UMM Study Program continues to improve the structure of the learning curriculum, especially the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) which is directed towards Outcome Base Education.OBE). To support this, UMM IP Study Program held an OBE RPS Workshop which was held at Rayz Hotel UMM, Friday, August 19, 2022.

Muhammad Kamil, S.IP.MA as the Head of UMM IP Study Program, in his speech as well as guiding the activities, said that the MBKM curriculum and FIBAA accreditation guide higher education institutions to implement OBE-based learning. Therefore, the learning structure, in this case the RPS, must be able to apply the OBE model. "OBE is the mandate of MBKM which is expected to be able to create character and competitive graduate students in the world of work so that a coherent RPS is needed," explained Kamil. Furthermore, Kamil added that in 2022 IP will follow FIBAA accreditation where the OBE-based RPS is one of the evaluation bases. "God willing, for the new academic year 2022/2023 which will begin on September 19, 2022, IP has fully implemented OBE-based learning," said Kamil.

The gathering of IP's extended family on the sidelines of the OBE RPS workshop. (photo: Hendra)

UMM IP Study Program continuesshows significant developments in the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) and also the preparation for international accreditationBusiness Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) which is targeted to be achieved in 2022.As a study program with an excellent accreditation status, the IP UMM Study Program continues to improve the structure of the learning curriculum, especially the Semester Learning Plan (RPS) which is directed towards Outcome Base Education.OBE). To support this, UMM IP Study Program held an OBE RPS Workshop which was held at Rayz Hotel UMM, Friday, August 19, 2022.

Muhammad Kamil, S.IP.MA as the Head of UMM IP Study Program, in his speech as well as guiding the activities, said that the MBKM curriculum and FIBAA accreditation guide higher education institutions to implement OBE-based learning. Therefore, the learning structure, in this case the RPS, must be able to apply the OBE model. "OBE is the mandate of MBKM which is expected to be able to create character and competitive graduate students in the world of work so that a coherent RPS is needed," explained Kamil. Furthermore, Kamil added that in 2022 IP will follow FIBAA accreditation where the OBE-based RPS is one of the evaluation bases. "God willing, for the new academic year 2022/2023 which will begin on September 19, 2022, IP has fully implemented OBE-based learning," said Kamil.
