Increase Independence: IP UMM Student Pioneers Clean Shoes Business

Tuesday, October 10, 2023 05:23 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 9 October 2023. Everyone really wants to be independent, especially learning to be independent from a financial or economic perspective. One of them is the thought of a UMM IP student class of 2022 named Davril Pardede or often known as Davril. This student from Batu City has a business, namely clean shoes, with the name "Cleanvast Batu City". This business, which is owned by Davril, was originally started together with his brother in 2015. This clean shoes business already has a shop, which is located on Jl. Hasanuddin Gg. I No. 15, Pesanggrahan, Batu District, Batu City, East Java 65313.

According to Davril, there are 3 operational people in running the business he owns. Davril and his brother play a role in washing shoes, while his brother's wife is responsible for administration. So the existing business is still carried out within the scope of his family only. The business owned by Davril currently has an average turnover of approximately 4.5 million per month.

In running his business, Davril admitted that he had experienced ups and downs in his business. To be precise, when he first felt the Lock Down or PSBB during the last pandemic, for several months his business had no income at all for about 3 months. From this, Davril tried to rack his brain by making more use of social media and being patient so that slowly his business stabilized again.

Davril said that the business he owns will certainly really help the economy. "In terms of helping the economy, Alhamdulillah, it's very helpful, and in terms of making me independent, that's also Alhamdulillah because it's enough for my daily pocket money and Alhamdulillah, it's enough to help reduce the burden on my parents." Davril said. Apart from that, from the business he has, the results obtained can also help with his current education costs.

Apart from that, from the business owned by Davril, his business can be included in the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) activities where one form of activity is Entrepreneurial Activities. Today's students of course also have to be aware of business opportunities, so that from these businesses they can have an independent income which of course will also help their parents and become a business opportunity for their future. Students must be able to see existing opportunities and create appropriate and effective business strategies.
