Countering Radicalism and Separatism, IP Study Program Equips New Students with National Internalization.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018 21:10 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Wednesday (12/9) at the GKB 3 Hall, 6th Floor, the Government Science Study Program in collaboration with the Government Student Association (HIMAP) held an Inaugural Lecture entitled "Internalization of National Understanding in the Millennial Era Towards a Progressive Nation". This Inaugural Lecture presented Senior IP Lecturers as speakers, namely, Heru Mulyono, S.IP, MT, and Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si, moderated by Listiana Asworo, S.IP, MA. This activity was also attended by 300 new students of the Government Science Study Program.

Starting the series of activities, the Head of Government Science Study Program, Salahudin, S.IP, M.Si, M.PA, gave a speech and opened the First Lecture. In his speech, he said that students are currently facing very complex national problems. Starting from economic, political, social, cultural, and security aspects. For that, he advised new students to have empathy and think of solutions to the problems of the nation and state.

Starting from reflection on the problems of the nation and state, especially the threat to the integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia from radicalism, separatism, and fundamentalism, this Inaugural Lecture aims to re-instill a sense of love for the homeland through internalization of nationalism in students. If developed countries have talked about artificial intelligence, carbon capture calculations, genetic engineering, Indonesia still has to strengthen its foundations from attacks by extremist movements that want to divide Indonesia. Moreover, in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which is marked by the increasingly massive use of technology, the threats and challenges to the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia are becoming increasingly severe. Technology as a characteristic of the modern era, is actually used by a group of people to spread hate speech, spread radicalism and separatism. Meanwhile, the users of this technology are mostly represented by young people. Thus, these extreme ideologies actually directly target young people. To counter these radical and separatist movements, what needs to be done is role reactualization. If in the past, internalization of national insight was done through indoctrination-socialization, now it must be adjusted to the changing times to become democratic-emancipatory. This means that national insight is not only given through socialization but must also be reflected in everyday life.

Heru Mulyono emphasized that young people must be sensitive to national issues and threats, both external and internal, militaristic and non-militaristic threats. To overcome these dangers, Heru Mulyono advised students to be selective in choosing the organizations they will join. Heru Mulyono also said that young people must have a spirit of enthusiasm, mutual cooperation and a high attitude of tolerance. In line with Heru, Tri Sulistyaningsih also believes that the millennial generation must be politically literate, must not be apathetic, sensitive to national problems, and avoid false and provocative statements. As Muhammadiyah students, it is only right that new students of Government Science also practice Muhammadiyah values ​​or teachings in their daily lives so that the character and personality of the nation are not eroded by the currents of modernization and globalization.
