IP UMM Students' Response to the Palestinian vs Israel Conflict

Sunday, November 12, 2023 11:59 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 12 November 2023. Tens of thousands of lives have been lost in the war between Palestine and Israel. According to the view of one of UMM's Government Science students, Fakhri Rasyid, the current war has involved state actors and non-state actors, where these two actors indirectly perpetuate the state's condition so that it remains hot. to get their respective benefits.

“We can classify these actors into geopolitical camps; Western Block and Eastern Block. The Western Bloc or NATO is fronted by America, France, England and other European countries. Meanwhile, the Eastern Bloc is filled with countries such as Russia, China, North Korea and Turkey. "The map of world powers which tends to be divided into two parts means that state actors have to choose whether to support Palestine or Israel," explained Fakhri.

Fakhri explained that, in the Israeli camp, the participating state actors were America, France and England. The economic condition of this bloc acts as an arms supplier to Israel, where the NATO alliance countries will certainly benefit from arms sales led by America as the largest arms producer in the world.

"However, apart from the positive benefits of selling war weapons for NATO alliance countries, the negative impact of the Palestinian and Israeli war is the potential disruption of oil supplies for European countries. "Because Iran, as an oil producing country, tends to side with non-state actors, namely HAMAS," he said.

According to Fakhri's explanation, support for Palestine itself comes from countries that are opposed to NATO. This alliance is chaired by large countries such as Russia and China. When viewed economically, the impact received by these countries does not look as contrasting as NATO countries which tend to "maintain" conflicts in the Middle East to gain economic benefits. Meanwhile, the attitude of the Indonesian state itself certainly strongly condemns the aggression carried out by Israel against Palestine.

"On the other hand, there are non-state actors, namely HAMAS as a non-governmental militant movement which has the aim of defeating Israel. The role of HAMAS, which is very vital and is the main force of the Palestinian people, is an interesting thing to highlight because there are various perspectives regarding the HAMAS organization. "NATO considers HAMAS a terrorist movement that needs to be eradicated, but on the other hand HAMAS is considered a hero by the Palestinian people who have the same background as victims of Israeli atrocities,"

Fakhri concluded that conflict is something that should be avoided, this refers to the preamble to the 1945 Constitution which states "colonialism must be abolished because it is incompatible with humanity and justice". People whose people are oppressed should take action to defend themselves. A country's declaration of war should be used as a last option to reach an agreement. The current conflict between Palestine and Israel is not only a religious conflict, but is also rich in politics and business behind it.

“Out of the thousands of lives lost, only a handful of people celebrate the profits, and in my opinion this is not worth it. If confrontation and aggression continue and result in casualties, the question is who benefits and who loses? "Hopefully the world will be fine," he concluded. (van/roz)
