IP UMM Students Respond to the Phenomenon of Political Dynasties in Indonesia

Wednesday, November 08, 2023 22:33 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, November 9 2023. The issue of political dynasties in Indonesia is now being widely discussed again, especially ahead of the upcoming 2024 elections. Not many people in society have an understanding of political dynasties, which are nothing more than a form of maintaining power and do not only occur in countries that adhere to a monarchical system, but are also often found in democratic countries, including Indonesia, where the top leadership itself will be occupied based on the line. descendants.

This became a conversation that attracted the attention of one of the 2021 UMM Government Science students, namely Destara. According to him, currently the political trend of descent or kinship is emerging again as a symptom of neopatrimonialism. This is because state power is regulated directly by a ruler who uses a patrimonial system.

"In the past, the inheritance of power was appointed directly, currently in our democratic country dynastic politics is carried out through procedural political channels," he said.

Apart from that, according to Destara, without realizing it, political dynasties can also have a significant negative impact on accountability in the bureaucracy because there is a potential tendency for corruption, collusion and nepotism to occur. Political dynasties like this will provide the potential for a bad political order in the midst of consistent bureaucratic reform.

"In my opinion, if power is built on family ties, it will create gaps when family factors interfere in general affairs. "So, this will create a situation where the interests of the family or group will become a priority in a political dynasty," he said.

According to Destara, to respond to the issue of political dynasties which is currently circulating, as a Government Science student who has the privilege of being able to understand various political situations in Indonesia, of course you must be able to analyze various political conditions and situations with existing dynamics. Of course, it is none other than determining leaders who are eligible and worthy to take Indonesia towards progress. (van/roz)
