Facing the New Semester, UMM IP Study Program Holds Initial Coordination

Wednesday, March 09, 2022 22:03 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Even semester lectures for the 2021/2022 academic year, UMM Malang Government Science Study Program are planned to start on March 14, 2022-July 23, 2022. Facing this, UMM IP Study Program on Wednesday, March 9, 2022, located in the My Dormy UMM meeting room, held initial coordination, which brings all the lecturers in the course. The aim is to equalize perceptions of learning and practicum models that need a lot of adjustment in this pandemic era.

Muhammad Kamil, S.IP.As the Head of UMM Study Program in his speech and guiding the activity, MA expressed his desire to implement full offline learning. This is based on almost 95% of students already in Malang, and online learning is very ineffective. However, this conflicted with the development of the Omnicorn virus, so UMM, through the Rector's Instruction letter, applied the blended learning method. "The Chancellor emphasized that the UMM lecture process was carried out by Polysyncronous Learning" so that offline model it can still be done with not fully three credits via online, but there are other models outside of lectures in the classroom that are tailored to the needs of the lecturer, "said Kamil.

Implementation of Initial Coordination of Even Semester 2021/2022 IP UMM Lectures. (Photo: Special)

Kamil also added that later learning is expected to be based on outcome-Based Education (OBE), which is the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM). OBE-based learning is not only in an academic context. However, there are other assessments in skipping, knowledge, general skills, and special skills. Furthermore, each lecturer is also required to have output from each subject in journals, book chapters, PKM, media opinions, IPR, and learning videos.

The desire to meet face-to-face in class (offline) is also fully supported by the leadership of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UMM Malang. Dr. Salahudin, S.IP., M.Sc., M.PA as the deputy dean 1 of FISIP UMM who was present in the activity, said that offline applications had been directed at the dean level. "From the discussion meeting that we held, we wanted to apply offline, but because it was according to the Chancellor's instructions for blended learning, it had to be implemented," said Salahudin. For this reason, the Faculty will prepare all supporting infrastructure for the smooth running of the blended learning model.

Furthermore, the Government Science Laboratory also disseminated the plan for designing practicum courses for the Even semester 2021/2022. Ali Roziqin, M.Pa, as the Head of the UMM IP Laboratory, explained that there would be three practical courses later. First, student development planning is given the task of synchronizing electronic-based development planning documents with the final output in an ISBN book chapter. Second, Development Planning. Second, students are given empowerment projects in partnership with lecturers and then integrated into practicum participants with areas within the scope of Malang Raya, whose final output is in the form of creative videos. Third, Government Information Technology (TIP) through SINTEGRES Application Development, students introduce this application to villages so that the Village Government can find out the benefits of this application to tabulate concrete data about villages.

All lecturers present are ready to follow the lecture provisions made by the University, Faculties, and Study Programs. As one of the lecturers, Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si, stated that all lecturers were ready to hold an entire offline event. But for the common good, you should temporarily use blended. "Lecturers can use the 50% offline and 50% online models with a maximum teaching time of 60 minutes. That is to accommodate students who have come to Malang so they won't be disappointed," said Tri.
