Spirit of Sharing in Ramadhan, Public Administration Program Hosts Iftar with the Aisyiyah Dau Orphanage Social Welfare Institution (LKSA)

Thursday, March 28, 2024 00:24 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Iftar, commonly known as "Bukber," has become a special occasion for sharing and gathering together during the holy month of Ramadhan. On Tuesday (March 26, 2024), the Public Administration Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang held an iftar event with the Aisyiyah Dau Orphanage Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) in Malang Regency. The iftar took place at Kapal Garden Hotel Malang and was attended by faculty members, staff of the Public Administration Program at UMM, as well as the children and administrators of the Aisyiyah Dau Orphanage.

The event began with a welcoming speech by the Head of the Public Administration Program, Mr. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA, followed by a brief sermon from Mrs. Dr. Dra. Masiyah Kholmi, Ak. MM. CA, the Chairwoman of the Aisyiyah Branch Management at UMM, with the theme "Happiness."

"Humans always live to pursue happiness, and adopting Islam as a way of life brings many forms of happiness. There are two types of happiness: material happiness and inner happiness."

"So, how can a person achieve happiness? By always being grateful for the blessings given, being sincere in doing things, being patient when faced with adversity, easily forgiving others' mistakes, asking for forgiveness when making mistakes, gathering with pious people, being beneficial to others, and applying the triple S in life: relax, serious, and succeed. By practicing these things, God willing, it will lead to a happy life."

The sermon concluded just before the time for iftar. After the Maghrib call to prayer, the iftar meal was shared, followed by the Maghrib prayer.

It is hoped that in the future Ramadhan months, the Public Administration Program will continue to share and strengthen bonds of friendship through similar iftar events.
