New Spirit, UMM IP Laboratory is More Optimistic to Continue Progress

Saturday, January 22, 2022 03:52 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Ali Roziqin and Yana Syafrieyana in the handover session for the head of the UMM IP laboratory. (Photo: Special)

Saturday, January 22, 2022, taking place in the Meeting Room of the Lecturer of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (611), University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), the handover of positions and the inauguration of the Head of the Laboratory (Lab) of the Government Science Study Program for the solemn period of 2022-2025 were held. As for legally and officially, Ali Roziqin, S.AP., M.PA was given the mandate to lead the IP UMM lab for the next four years to replace the leadership of Yana Syafrieyana, S.IP., M.IP in the solemn period of 2017-2021.

Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA, as the Head of UMM IP Study Program, conveyed a very high sense of optimism. With the competencies possessed and a young spirit in working, UMM IP Lab will be more advanced, especially in supporting the implementation of the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) and the Center of Excellence (CoE). "Mr. Ali has extraordinary leadership capacity and capability. His contribution so far to Study Programs, Faculties, and UMM has been proven extraordinary. In the future, the challenges of the Lab will be even greater, one of which is because it is the center of MBKM and CoE implementation because it requires visionary leadership and is willing to work hard like Mr. Ali. "We are very confident that Mas Ali can continue Mr. Yana's previous leadership relay, which has also brought a lot of progress," said Kamil.

Yana S Hijri also feels the same optimism, who has also been Ali Roziqin's mentor in organizational management. "I am very sure that the Laboratory under Mr. Ali's leadership will be even better. During this time, Mr. Ali has also been very often directly involved in Lab activities to make the adaptation process faster. Several previous excellent Lab programs such as Ndesit and Eplanning need to be implemented immediately to support academic life in the Study Program and as branding of UMM IP outside. "Mr. Ali is a typically intelligent, communicative, nurturing, and dedicated leader, so it is very appropriate to lead the Lab," concluded Yana.

Ali Roziqin hopes that his leadership will run smoothly and be successful. "For me, this is a huge mandate and responsibility, so it must be totality and sincere in work. The focus of the Lab in the future is as a supporting system for the Study Program, especially in realizing the Study Program's vision. In addition to MBKM, CoE, Ndesit, and E-Planning, IP Lab is also expected to expand cooperation with relevant external stakeholders and become a data laboratory center (big data). "I am optimistic that with the cooperation, assistance, and guidance of the entire IP, FISIP, and UMM family, the Lab which will later be managed with the Digital Governance Laboratory model will bring progress to our beloved institution," closed Ali.
