Taking place in the Seminar Room, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si and Hevi Kurnia Hardini, MA.Gov, Senior Lecturers of UMM IP Study Program, were confirmed as ADIPSI Management for the 2018/2019 term (28/7). In the evaluation meeting and preparation of the new work program, the IP Study Program was honored where two of its senior lecturers became core administrators of ADIPSI. Each serves as Head of Research and Secretary of two Associations of Indonesian Government Science Lecturers (ADIPSI). The trust given to these two Senior Lecturers of the IP Study Program is inseparable from the dedication, commitment, quality and capacity possessed by Mrs. Tri and Mrs. Hevi, their nicknames.
The ADIPSI annual management meeting that discussed the restructuring of the management was also focused on compiling a new work program. The new work program is more focused on the existence of IP Study Program Lecturers, namely improving quality and capacity through partnership networks and collaboration between Government Science lecturers throughout Indonesia. This association is a networking forum for Government Science lecturers throughout Indonesia so that they can improve their personal abilities by working together and collaborating. For example, conducting joint research, so that academic papers are facilitated, identifying expertise to make collaboration easier, and so on.
Thus, the results of the ADIPSI annual meeting held on Saturday (28/7) not only ratified the restructuring of the new ADIPSI management but also prepared a new work program. This is the mandate that will be carried out by senior lecturers of the IP Study Program for the next year. Of course, the UMM IP Study Program is very proud of the achievements of Mrs. Tri and Mrs. Hevi. Senior lecturers of the IP Study Program who not only have a myriad of achievements in the academic field but are also active in the ADIPSI organization. Congratulations!