The cooperation between the Government Science Study Program (IP Study Program) of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and the Government Science Department (JIP) of the University of Muhammadiyah Makassar (Unismuh Makassar) is getting closer. The cooperation between the two renowned Muhammadiyah Universities was realized with the visit of Unismuh Makassar to UMM (Saturday, 7/7). The IP Study Program welcomed the arrival of the IP Department of Unismuh Makassar by holding a Seminar entitled "Sustainable Governance of the Colorful Jodipan Village". This seminar brought in practitioners and academics who are concerned in the field of Urban Governance, namely Arif Budi Ananta., ST, Head of Infrastructure and Regional Development Sub-Division, Malang City Planning, Research and Development Agency, and Dr. Jainuri (Cand), M.Si, a senior lecturer of the IP Study Program as a representative of academics.
The group from the Government Science Department of Unismuh Makassar was immediately received by the Head of the Government Science Study Program, Salahudin, S.IP., M.Sc., M.PA, at the BAU Hall of UMM. The arrival of the JIP Unismuh Makassar colleagues to the UMM Government Science Study Program was to learn about Urban Governance which was successfully carried out by the Malang City Government and the UMM academic community. Therefore, this welcome was packaged by creating an Urban Governance Seminar. The scientific sharing and discussion further strengthened the cooperation and collaboration between the UMM Government Science Study Program and the Unismuh Makassar Government Science Department. It is hoped that a joint commitment will be built to develop the Government Science Study Program or Department across universities.