UMM Government Science Study Program Holds Guest Lecture About Recruitment, open promotion of ASN and HR Development

Friday, June 09, 2023 21:17 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, June 7 2022. To equip students as future government resources who are able to answer all the challenges of the times, the UMM Government Science Study Program held a guest lecture with the theme "Recruitment, ASN open promotion and HR Development". This activity was attended by students from batch 2020 who are members of the Center of Excellence (CoE) program or the Government and Political Analyst superior class. This guest lecture presented two speakers from the Batu City BKSDM, namely Galuh Diajeng Wulandari, S. Sos and Sopa Ike Paci, S.Kom

In the lecture, the resource person explained about Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning the state civil apparatus and other legal basis related to Career Development, competency development, promotion and transfer career patterns. In addition, it also explained how to strengthen the capacity of a local government apparatus needed for the development of human resources in the form of education and training. With the job analysis or ANJAB needed to place an employee who is right according to the job description. The results of job analysis and workload analysis in question are documents that are used as work guidelines that are operational in nature to realize performance accountability and are dynamic in nature.

This guest lecture activity also received a positive response from students. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of the students in each question and answer session given by the two speakers. Students feel that they are getting practical knowledge that they have never had before.
