UMM Government Science Study Program Holds Guest Lecture to Discuss Regency and City Bureaucratic Reform Index

Saturday, March 25, 2023 21:56 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, March 24, 2023. To equip students as future government resources who are able to answer all the challenges of the times, the UMM Government Science Study Program held a guest lecture with the theme "District and City Bureaucratic Reform Index". This activity was attended by students from batch 2020 who are members of the Center of Excellence (CoE) program or the Government and Political Analyst superior class. This guest lecture presented a resource person who has been involved in strengthening governance and development, namely Mr. Ahmad Miftakhul Khoiri, S.AP.,M.AP who currently serves at PT. SmartID.

In the lecture, Mr. Ahmad Miftakhul Khoiri, S.AP., M.AP explained the ASN professionalism index which has been regulated in Law Number 5 of 2014 and Government Regulation Number 11 of 2012. He explained that the ASN professionalism index is a statistical measure that describes the quality ASN based on educational qualifications, competence, performance and discipline of ASN employees in carrying out their duties. He also conveyed the purpose and intent of holding the ASN Professionalism Index Arrangement. This measurement is intended as a reference for Central and Regional Government agencies in measuring the ASN Professionalism Index with the aim that Central and Regional Government Agencies can measure the ASN Professionalism Index correctly. Central and Regional Government Agencies are required to periodically measure the ASN Professionalism Index at least 1 (one) time each year.

This guest lecture activity also received a positive response from students. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of the students in each question and answer session given by the speakers. Students feel they have gained new knowledge that they have never gotten anywhere else through this guest lecture. Students also presented the results of their analysis related to the ASN Professionalism Index which was guided directly by the resource person.
