UMM IP Study Program Holds Student Creativity Program Writing Workshop

Friday, October 13, 2023 09:15 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 13 October 2023. The UMM Government Science Study Program held a Student Creativity Program (PKM) Writing Workshop, especially for students from the class of 2022. This activity aims to facilitate and guide students in preparing PKM proposals. Acting as a speaker and facilitator, namely Mr. Ach. Apriyanto Romadhan, S.IP., M.Si as lecturer and Secretary of the UMM Government Science Study Program.

This PKM mentoring activity will continue to be carried out regularly every week, starting from determining the concept and title, to preparing proposals that will be submitted to the PKM proposal selection at the beginning of 2024. During the socialization, the speaker said that all lecturers would certainly facilitate students to consult.

"Submit all the ideas and thoughts you have for this PKM and you are very welcome and even obliged to consult with your respective lecturers, so there is no need to worry," explained the speaker.

Later, Government Science students will be directed to follow the PKM scheme according to the field of science being studied, so that it is linear. So, the PKM schemes that will be followed are: PKM-PM (Community Service) and PKM-RSH (Social Humanities Research).

Mr Ach. Apriyanto as the speaker also emphasized in the socialization that PKM can provide a bridge for students to achieve graduation on time, even accelerating graduation in the seventh semester.

"This PKM can help you to speed up graduation, with an equivalence policy in the form of credits, so you can graduate without a thesis if you get through to Pimnas," concluded the speaker. (van/roz)
