UMM IP Study Program Holds Workshop on Assistance in Preparing FIBAA Self Evaluation Report Documents

Saturday, October 21, 2023 11:34 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 21 October 2023. The Government Science Study Program held a workshop to assist in the preparation of the 2023 FIBAA self-evaluation report document. This activity began with remarks from the Dean of FISIP UMM, namely Prof. Dr. Muslimin., M.Si. The Dean of FISIP UMM said that "at the national level, 5 study programs at FISIP have achieved superior accreditation. Following up on Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 53 of 2023 which requires international accreditation, a workshop was held related to assistance in preparing the FIBAA self-evaluation report document.

This activity presented Prof. Nurul Barizah, SH., LLM., PhD as resource person. This workshop activity is present as a form of implementation of the international accreditation grant from the Ministry of National Education for Fiscal Year 2023.

This activity was attended by 20 participants from the Government Science study program task force team. Apart from that, this activity was also attended by study programs that will also carry out FIBAA international accreditation, including the International Relations, Social Welfare and Sociology study programs.

In this workshop, Prof. Nurul Barizah, SH., LLM., PhD as the resource person said that "in preparing the FIBAA self-evaluation report document, technical writing must be systematic, concise and contain a description of the study program as a whole and also in the FIBAA self-evaluation report document totaling 20-25 pages" .

"For all study programs, the objectives of the study program are explained convincingly that they are aimed at a certain level, the objectives must also take into account KKNI level 6 and university regulations, students' academic abilities, students' comprehensive abilities for the market and the students' personal development," said source person.
