UMM IP Study Program Holds Outcame Based Education (OBE) Curriculum Updating Workshop

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 02:45 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, August 11, 2023. The UMM Government Science Study Program carried out workshop activities in the context of Updating the Outcome Based Education (OBE) Curriculum for Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM). The workshop activities were held at the Horison Hotel, Batu City, by inviting keynote speakers namely Dr. M.R. Khairul Muluk, S.Sos., M.Sc., and was officially opened by the Dean of FISIP UMM, Dr. Muslimin Machmud, M.Sc. This activity was attended by Mr. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., M.A as the Head of Government Science Study Program, along with all other structural members of the Study Program and lecturers. In addition, it was also attended by alumni and stakeholders or partners of the UMM Government Science Study Program from both the government and non-government sectors,

This workshop activity which is held regularly every 4 years, was last held in 2019. Through the update that was carried out in 2023 this time, the curriculum will later be applied to students from the 2024 class.

"Updating was carried out as a form of update from the UMM Government Science Study Program in terms of curriculum as a learning process design. This activity is a form of the seriousness of the UMM Government Science Study Program to maintain superior accreditation, and towards international accreditation," said Mr. Kamil.

In his remarks, Mr. Muslimin as the Dean of FISIP UMM said that the workshop activity was an endeavor in the world of education in order to adapt to the demands of the 4.0 to 5.0 industrial revolution, where the form of literacy changes and demands that the curriculum must also make changes.

"Indonesia will enter a demographic bonus, so the younger generation has an important role in the nation's future, which is the students they face in the current classroom. Therefore, curriculum design must be adapted to existing progress, so that students can carry out well-structured activities," he added.

Efforts to update this curriculum are carried out in order to see as a whole and evaluate, so that recognition can be obtained and becomes a good recognition in maintaining superior accreditation to achieving international accreditation. (van/roz)
