UMM IP Study Program Holds Guest Lecture Based on Role Analysis in the Public Policy

Friday, March 10, 2023 19:35 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, March 8 2023. A guest lecture with the theme "Public Policy Role Analysis" was held by the UMM IP Study Program in the Center of Excellence (CoE) program or a superior class on Political Government Analyst specifications. This guest lecture activity was attended by 24 students. The presenters were practitioners who had expertise in handling various projects related to public policy, namely an expert from PT. Yogyakarta Main Vision Synergy as well as Assistant Lecturer at Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta University, his name is Danang Kurniawan, S.IP., M.IP.

On the occasion of the guest lecture, Mr. Danang as the speaker and practitioner delivered material on 'Public Policy Role' and 'Policy Analysis' by inviting students to think critically and discuss. In addition, the presenters also conducted sharing sessions related to their experiences while working in the private and government sectors. The presenter said that policy analysis is needed in order to generate and transfer relevant information to be used at the political level to solve policy problems. In addition, it was also conveyed that to become a Public Policy Practitioner one must have qualified competence. Therefore, this guest lecture is very important for Government Science Study Program students who will later be involved in the practical world of the public policy sector.
