IP Study Program Holds Series 2 Alumni Talk "Bureaucratic Pathology"

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 11:37 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan



















Alumni Talk "Pathology of Bureaucracy". (Photo: Special)

Malang, April 28, 2020. The IP Study Program held an online discussion on Alumni Talk with "Bureaucratic Pathology". This online discussion presented IP alumni, namely Ulin Nafi'ah, S.IP (Bappenas staff) and moderated by Ali Roziqin, M.PA. One hundred students from the 2018 batch attended this discussion. Ulin, as he is familiarly called, delivered material on bureaucratic pathology in Government. The discussion was interesting where many questions were asked to the presenters. The presenters also talked about their track record of successfully becoming staff at Bappenas. The results of these discussions include bureaucratic pathologies that we often encounter, including:

  1. Poor public service
  2. Planning mismatch
  3. Governance that has not been optimal
  4. Abuse of authority

Ulin in a presentation on "Pathology of Bureaucracy". (Photo: Special)

Furthermore, Ulin provides solutions such as

  1. Building an integrated national complaint handling system
  2. Build holistic, integrated, and spatial planning
  3. Drawing up a Grand Design roadmap
  4. Application of merit system

With these efforts, it is hoped that the level of bureaucratic pathology can be minimized in the future.
