IP Study Program Successfully Maintains Superior Accreditation

Thursday, February 09, 2023 22:31 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, February 10 2023. Government Science Study Program (Prodi), University of Muhammadiyah Malang has succeeded in maintaining superior accreditation from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT). Previously the IP study program had superior accreditation in 2021, the assessment carried out by BAN-PT covered 9 higher education standards.

The accreditation requirements consist of several assessments starting from the basic elements in the form of parameters to the assessment of key indicators which are used as the basis for determining the quality of higher education institutions. In addition, faculties and universities must also manage quality control with the Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) which is based on quality standards and study program quality.

Dean of FISIP UMM Prof. Muslimin Machmud said that this achievement is something to be proud of. “This achievement is the hard work and smart work of all the teams involved in accreditation. As the dean, I would like to thank the alumni, graduate users, students and study program managers," he said

This Superior Accreditation certainly reinforces UMM's work in general in order to educate the life of the nation. The Head of Government Science Study Program, Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., M.A, on another occasion said that the reputation of study programs that obtained superior accreditation would affect the interest of prospective students to take government science study programs. That means, government science study program is committed to guaranteeing quality education for prospective students.

Please note, to achieve superior accreditation, the IP Study Program must meet several requirements determined by BAN-PT. Kamil said there were two conditions determined by BAN-PT. First, the study program must carry out collaborative synergies with faculties, universities and other stakeholders. Second, study programs are also required to compile documents comprehensively and pay attention to accreditation standards. The purpose of the accreditation standard is to measure and determine the quality of the eligibility of the institution.

Even so, the achievements of UMM IP will not stop at superior accreditation, but also international recognition through international accreditation. Therefore, going forward, the IP Study Program will continue to strive to achieve this goal.
