Malang, December 27, 2023. The Government Science Study Program, FISIP, University of Muhammadiyah Malang has received a visit from the Political Thought Study Program, Kudus State Islamic Institute. The visit by IAIN was aimed at benchmarking the management of the Study Program and Laboratory, initiating cooperation in the field of Tri Dharma of Higher Education and the Center of Excellence (COE). The activity was carried out in Room 601 GKB 1, 6th Floor (FISIP Hall), University of Muhammadiyah Malang.
During the visit, 12 people from IAIN Kudus were present, namely from the Lecturer Team and the relevant staff. Meanwhile, from the UMM Government Science Study Program itself, those present were the Head of the Study Program, Secretary of the Study Program, Head of the Laboratory, and Representatives from the Lecturers. "The visit to the UMM Government Science Study Program is related to learning about study program management, laboratory management and also related to the development of the MBKM program." said one of the parties from IAIN Kudus. The Head of the UMM Government Science Study Program explained how to carry out the management of the study program so far, in addition to also explaining the MBKM and Center of Excellence (COE) programs that have been running in the UMM Government Science Study Program. The MBKM and Center of Excellence (COE) programs themselves have been running since the 2020 class with 2 COE classes, namely the Village Government class and the Political Government Analyst class.
"In managing our laboratory, we are assisted by 8 laboratory assistants and a multimedia team, well, the multimedia team is responsible for the content in the Study Program. For the laboratory assistants and multimedia team, we take them from UMM IP students," said the Head of the UMM Government Science Laboratory
During the visit, IAIN Kudus stated that it was appropriate to conduct benchmarking in the UMM Government Science Study Program, in addition to the UMM Government Science Study Program which has been established for a long time but also has a good and measurable study program management and development system.