UM Jember Government Science Study Program Studying Laboratory Management to IP UMM

Tuesday, February 02, 2021 09:07 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, February 01, 201. A group from the government science department at the Muhammadiyah University of Jember consisting of Akbar Maulana, S.IP., M.Si, Iffant Galant El Muhammady, M.Si and one student visited the government science study program to learn directly about governance IP UMM laboratory. They learn to create exciting content and some applications developed by IP UMM in the teaching process. Yana Syafriana, M.Si, as Head of IP UMM Lab, explained that these applications help the student learning process understand the challenges of IT-based governance. Furthermore, Akbar said he hoped to develop the same thing for IP UM Jember students.



