Maintain Reputation, UMM IP Study Program Emphasizes Outcome of Government Research Internship Articles

Friday, May 27, 2022 03:04 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Coordination of Government Research Internship Implementation in 2022. (Photo:Special)

UMM Government Science Study Program with excellent accreditation status has many excellent courses, one of which is a government research internship. This program gives students the opportunity to "work" in government and private institutions for approximately 2 months. The aim is to know the real practice of bureaucratic work, train work experience, and also be expected to be able to produce research outputs for the benefit of theses and scientific publications in the form of journals, books, and proceedings.

This is one of the efforts Government Science Study Program to continuously improve publication performance. As is known, in 2022 the Government Science Study Program of UMM Malang won first place (1) regarding Publication Performance for the Undergraduate Category 1 Government Science in Indonesia 2022 based on the Science and Technology Index (SINTA) Ranking. UMM IP Study Program got the highest score Overall Score: 3,542 and SINTA Score 3Yr: 2,441 outperforming all other Government Science study programs in Indonesia.

Therefore, research internships are directed to be able to produce scientific publications in the form of books, journals and proceedings. This was confirmed in the initial coordination meeting of Government Science Research Internships in 2022, Friday 27 May 2022. The meeting brought together all Government Science lecturers.

Ali Roziqin, S.PA., M.PA as the Head of the Government Science Laboratory stated that the Government Research Internship in 2022 will focus on outcomes. “So far, 171 students have registered and are scattered in government agencies in Malang Regency, Batu City, Malang City, East Java Province, and the Central Government. Of course, the agency has many topics that can be researched so that they can become quality scientific articles. Students also have the ability to research methods so that they can do research well and produce qualified articles. "Later on, students will be accompanied by lecturers so that the research internship process can be directed," explained Ali.

Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA asThe Head of the Government Science Study Program stated that the activities of UMM IP Study Program were always directed at publications. It aims to contribute more to improving research performance and IP publications of UMM. “Research Internships are deliberately emphasized to produce outcomes. IP's achievement as the best study program with the performance of National Publication is also supported by the results of research internships in previous years so it must continue to be improved. "Research-based on scientific articles is also a form of achieving Study Program Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL), namely the mastery of the Politics and Government methodology," closed Kamil.

