IP Press Holds Advocacy Class through "Samin vs Semen" Film Surger

Monday, March 02, 2020 15:30 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan


Advocacy class discussion "Samin vs Semen". (Photo: Special)

Malang, February 27, 2020. The IP Press (Governmental Science) of UMM held an advocacy class discussion through a film titled Samin vs Semen. This documentary tells about the resistance of the people of Rembang who did not accept the construction of a cement factory which would be very disruptive to the economy of the area. The people of the area, assume that they do not need a factory, because only with the paddy fields and agricultural products, do they really feel enough.

These fears are trying to be dissected more specifically in routine discussions of Research and Writing Lovers (PRS) UMM IP, Thursday (02/27/2020). This discussion was joined by a film operation with the theme "Discourse Samin vs. Semen" facilitated by Abdul Hafidz Ahmad. Kali's discussion sought to explore how advocacy was born until the paradigm of the movement was born. At the opening of the discussion, the lighter mentioned a little about the problem of Banyuwangi farmers who were struggling to defend their rights in Surabaya. It is very worrying how the struggle of a group of farmers who struggle to pedal their bikes only to find a little justice in the land of Surabaya. It's sad about the state of our country today.

After that, He is talking about the farmers who were still hung by their fate in Surabaya, the lighter then entered into the core discussion of the theme being raised. In this discussion, Abdul said that there were two social movement divisions, namely the New Social Movement and the Old Social Movement. The difference between the two lies in what is done. The New Social Movement discusses the work of advocacy groups whose only task is to be a companion for everything that is done by the community. Whereas the Old Social Movement is more focused on the workers, where everything has been industrialized by workers. At the end of the discussion, the lighter also delivered a message to the audience. The message contained a call and an invitation for students not to waste their youth by joining more organizations and NGOs and etc.


