Strengthen OBE Curriculum, IP Study Program Presents Experts

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 02:53 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, August 11 2023. The UMM Government Science Study Program carried out activities to prepare Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum designs by presenting experts namely Dr. M.R. Khairul Muluk, S.Sos., M.Sc. from the Social, Political, Administration and Communication Independent Accreditation Institute (LAMSPAK). This activity was carried out at the Horison Hotel, Batu City, attended by Mr. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., M.A as the Head of Government Science Study Program, along with all other structural staff of the Study Program and lecturers.

Mr. Khairul Muluk as the speaker, said that basically the current Outcome Based Education (OBE) curriculum is no longer based on the abilities of lecturers which are then applied to students, but is oriented towards what abilities or competencies students want then the lecturer will facilitate it.

"The competence possessed by students when they graduate can at least be measured from 3 indicators, namely SKA (skill, knowledge, attitude). Courses must be arranged according to the competence of the desired graduates. he said.

He also explained that the curriculum must adapt to the desired competency achievement targets, therefore adjustments must continue to be made whether graduate competencies are still relevant. It is necessary to think about how the current curriculum design is used, which must prepare competencies that are relevant to the world of work in the next 4 years when students have graduated.

He also said that, related to the existence of Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) this is a program that is not mandatory for students. The curriculum design is normal, then learning forms can be accommodated by MBKM, because MBKM is voluntary by students, not entirely," he concluded. (van/roz)
