Strengthening Cooperation, IP UMM Makes Agreements with 5 Villages in Magetan

Wednesday, January 12, 2022 07:10 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Muhammad Kamil in the signing session of the cooperation. (Photo: Special)

Cooperation with relevant stakeholders, especially government institutions, is essential and strategic for every study program. The aim is to improve the performance and quality of the study program and be a means of promotion, build reputation, contribute directly to solving public problems and empowering communities, and assist the development of student competencies. Therefore, cooperation is an essential network in the implementation of independent learning.

This spirit encouraged the UMM IP Study Program to continue developing cooperation with many government agencies in Indonesia. The latest was done by signing a memorandum of association with five villages in Magetan Regency, East Java, held at the Magetan Regency Regent's Office. The five villages are Janggan, Gonggang, Puntukdoro, Ngiliran, Bedagung villages. The points of collaboration are Education, Research, Community Service, Community Empowerment, Human Resource Development, Institutional Strengthening, Regional/Village Potential Development, Regional/Village Economic Development, Strengthening and Development of Center of Excellent (CoE), Student Internship Program, Building Program Villages, Humanitarian Activities, Thematic Real Work Lectures/Student Service Programs and Student Independent Projects.

Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA, as the Head of UMM IP Study Program, warmly and enthusiastically welcomed the realization of this collaboration. Networking like this is beneficial for developing future study programs and especially for the benefit of students in the Merdeka Learning Era of the Independent Campus (MBKM). "We are delighted with this collaboration; apart from showing the trust of the five villages in the capability of the IP study program, it is also very helpful in implementing MBKM and the CoE program as one of the leading IP classes. Furthermore, these points of cooperation will be followed up as soon as possible, we will immediately form a special team so that the implementation runs smoothly," added Kamil.

In particular, Kamil, his nickname, emphasized the benefits of this program for smooth implementation (MBKM) and the CoE Program. Student internship programs, humanitarian activities, and student independent projects can be carried out in these five villages, which will receive direct guidance from the accompanying lecturer appointed by the Study Program. "One of the main requirements for MBKM is the availability of cooperation partners; therefore, this agreement is beneficial for study programs and also makes it easier for students. We will complete the technical implementation in the next 2-3 weeks," added Kamil.

Likewise, the CoE program aims at students to provide knowledge and practice in the fields of government and politics. In IP, the CoE program was formed in the "School of Government and Political Analyst" program, Village Administration. "We hope that village officials, especially village heads, can become one of the primary sources in the activities that will be formed in the classroom. Their explanations, of course, are very familiar with the intricacies of village governance, which will further strengthen students' understanding of the village in a more tangible way, “closed Kamil.
