Enrich Government Studies through FGD Development/Drafting of Regional Irrigation Data Structures

Monday, July 29, 2019 10:01 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Enrich Government Studies through FGD Development/Drafting of Regional Irrigation Data Structures

Nafahatir Ridwani Amin Dhana, who is currently carrying out a government research internship program at the Directorate General of Regional Development participated in the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Development/Drafting Regional Irrigation Data Structure on July 25, 2019 in the meeting room of the Fave Hotel PGC Cililitan, South Jakarta.

This FGD is an effort initiated by Directorate General of Communication, Information, Statistics and Encryption Sub Directorate of Regional Development to oversee development planning documents in the regions, specifically the preparation of regional irrigation data structures. This activity is also a strategy from Directorate General of Community Development of Directorate General of Regional Development to conduct coaching and synchronization between levels of government (with local governments) in order to realize harmonious national development.

The FGD was opened by the Head of Sub-Directorate of KISP, Directorat General of Regional Development, Hendri Erafat, and was attended by Communication on Statistics and Encoding Information Sub-Directorate, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, and a Team of Experts to finalize the format of the data structure.
