In an organization, a leader is a person who is very influential in determining the success of his organization. A leader is likened to a ship's captain who must be able to bring his passengers to their destination. Therefore, a leader must have good abilities in leading his organization.
This is what the Lecturers of the UMM Government Science Study Program did by carrying out international service in the Muhammadiyah Special Branch Leadership (PRIM) organization in Penang, Malaysia. Chaired by Mr. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA., with 4 members, namely Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Sc., Dr. Saiman, M.Sc., Shannaz Mutiara Deniar, MA, and Hevi Kurnia Hardini, S.IP., MA. Gov.
This international service will take place on 24-27 November 2023 with the title "Strengthening the Capacity of Leadership and Organizational Management in the Muhammadiyah Special Branch Leadership (PRIM) Penang, Malaysia". Seeing the condition of the PRIM organization in Penang which still needs a lot of input from various parties.
"Muhammadiyah branches must be empowered by seeking more cadres, not only Indonesians who dominate this PRIM organization, but must also be able to recruit local residents, namely Penang itself, and it is hoped that it can also be useful for the surrounding people," said Prof. Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si.
In managing an organization, sufficient funds are also needed so that an organization can achieve its stated goals. "Muhammadiyah Business Entities must also be formed and then developed, so that the income that comes in is more diverse and does not only rely on one source of income," said Mr. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA., adding.
It is expected that the implementation of this international service activity can provide benefits and good input for the PRIM organization in Penang. In addition, it can also be a form of implementation of international cooperation, as well as a forum for exchanging ideas and culture for each party.