Nurudin, M.Si., lecturer in Communication Science, became one of the speakers at the event, saying “writing is a job that requires continuous practice, perseverance, and discipline in managing time. Remember, writing is not a talent but a seriousness to try, he said at the beginning of the presentation of the material. Writing PKM GT and PKM AI requires seriousness, focus, and intense guidance with the supervisor, and the most important thing is to understand the procedures and writing system as regulated by DIKTI. The writing rules have been prepared by DIKTI, all you have to do is download them on the internet, he said, understanding the students participating in the training.
Agus Santoso, S.Sos., the second speaker at the training, said “actually the writing title for PKM GT and PKM AI is very much, it's just how students understand and translate it into scientific writing to be interesting. The titles offered can be taken from public issues, for the benefit of many people, and are long-term oriented, he said to make students understand. Students must be able to seize opportunities to achieve achievements, he hoped.
Dr. Tri Sulistyaningsih, M.Si., said “students are expected to seriously participate in the PKM offered by DIKTI. After this training event, students immediately take steps to prepare proposals and conduct guidance with lecturers.