Corona Pandemic, IP Study Program Holds Millennial Online Discussion

Thursday, April 23, 2020 22:19 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Millennial Talk "Handling COVID-19 in Governance Perspective". (Photo: Special)

Malang, April 24, 2020. During the corona pandemic situation we are currently facing, the IP Study Program held an online discussion called Millenial Talk with the big theme "Handling COVID-19 from a Governance Perspective". The resource persons for this online discussion were Gusti Rifky Pangeran A and Sefty Andila P. Both were students of UMM Government Science class 2019. This online discussion was attended by around 100 students of various majors at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The meeting was interactive and discussed steps that the Government and the public could take in dealing with this epidemic pandemic. Of course, some suggestions and criticisms came from the millennial perspective during the discussion. This discussion concludes that the Government and the community must be aware of playing a role following their respective capacities. The Government makes policies, and the public must consciously comply with these policies. Without the synergy of the two, it is difficult to achieve the goals that have been set.
