Government Studies Department UMM Re-design Center of Excellence Government and Politic Analyst

Sunday, August 06, 2023 00:14 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, August 5 2023. The flagship class or Center of Excellence (CoE) of the UMM Government Science Study Program has been running for 1 semester. Now students are doing internships which previously had been officially released by the Dean of FISIP UMM. In this regard, the UMM Government Science Study Program carried out evaluation and redesign activities in order to optimize the implementation of the CoE, both in the Political Government Analyst Class and the Village Government Class. This opportunity was attended by Prof. Dr. Ir. Damat, MP., IPM as Head of UMM CoE, Prof. Dr. Muslimin Machmud, M.Si, as the Dean of FISIP UMM, and Mr. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., M.A as the Head of Government Science Study Program, along with all other Study Program structural staff and lecturers.

This evaluation and redesign step is important to carry out because the CoE itself certainly still requires development and improvement in order to develop learning methods. Mr. Kamil as the Head of the Government Science Study Program said that, "This evaluation was carried out to improve the quality of learning and support the university's motto, namely UMM PASTI,".

Mr. Muslimin as the Dean of FISIP UMM also emphasized that currently the demands of education management make the university no longer work alone to meet the needs of the market and society, therefore partners are involved to guide students' practical abilities directly. This aims to meet the target, namely the creation of graduates who can be accepted by the market or the world of work.

"UMM is currently trying to adjust to the needs of the world of work, as stated in the motto of UMM PASTI, which is to be sure to pass and definitely work. Also through this CoE, UMM tries to achieve the goal of graduation on time in a more concrete manner, from the original higher education maximum of 14 semesters or 7 years, so the hope is not to reach that number," said the Dean of FISIP UMM.

On the same occasion, Mr. Damat as the Head of the UMM CoE really appreciated the implementation of the CoE carried out by the Government Science Study Program and this evaluation and redesign activity was also a strategic step. He said that the CoE itself is a new program which of course still needs improvement.

"The UMM CoE Program certainly wants input, both from a substantive and administrative perspective. Regarding the need for evaluation and improvement, the ultimate goal is not solely to increase soft/hard skills, but also to increase graduation and accreditation," concluded the Head of CoE UMM. (van/roz)
