HIMAP UMM Big Meeting "Revitalizing the Organization Towards Action for Change"

Friday, November 17, 2023 18:07 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan


Malang, 17 November 2023. On 23-24 October 2023, the Government Science Study Program Student Association (HIMAP) of the Nichala Adhigana Cabinet for the 2023/2024 period  had implemented its first work program, namely the Great Conference (MUBES). With the main aim of ratifying the name of the cabinet and the work program that will be implemented during one year of management.

This General Conference was attended by all members of the 2022 and 2023 HIMAP management, totaling 35 people, attended by HIMAP dropouts for the 2022/2023 period, representatives of HMJ, BEM, SEFA and was directly attended by the UMM Government Science lecturer and HIMAP Advisor, namely Mr. Ach. Apriyanto Romadhan, S.IP., M.Si, which was then officially opened by the Head of the Government Science Study Program, Mr. Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA.

As for the form of activities carried out, reading the work program of the formators, namely, the Articles of Association (AD) Bylaws (ART), Outlines of Organizational Direction (GBHO) and Outlines of Work Directions (GBHK) as well as presentation of the work program in the field of Public Relations, SOSMA, SBKU, and PILAR.

"Through the revitalization of the organization, I hope that by holding a large deliberation, this will be our first step in starting the journey for the next period, namely how we will be able to restore the organizational spirit of the students, especially the Himap members themselves, by bringing about a change that is full of action and provides a positive impact. "positive for future regeneration," said Muhammad Isyardi as General Chair of HIMAP.

This Grand Deliberation was carried out not only to form policies, but also to strengthen social and intellectual ties among HIMAP members. In addition, this is an opportunity to formulate a shared vision, understand differences, and strengthen the foundation of success that underlies the progress of an organization.

The General Chairperson of HIMAP also added, "Apart from that, the organization is an alternative higher education institution that can provide human resources that are quality, innovative, adaptive, and certainly have competitiveness. Therefore, I really hope that this big deliberation will be able to provide a change that truly orientates the interests and needs of government science students and all HIMAP members in particular."
