Questioning Kaesang and PSI: Between Youth Representation or Political Interests

Wednesday, November 01, 2023 17:52 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, November 1 2023. The UMM Government Science Student Association (HIMAP) again held discussion activities through the Debate's Community forum in the sixth week. This activity, which is routinely carried out once a week, aims to nurture students' critical thinking. The discussion activity was attended by Government Science students from the class of 2022 and 2023, and was guided directly by the lecturer, namely Mr. Ach. Apriyanto Romadhan, S.IP., M.Si.

Acting as a discussion starter, namely a group of presenters from the class of 2022, totaling eight people. The theme discussed in this discussion was entitled "Questioning Kaesang and PSI: Between Youth Representation and Political Interests". This theme is related to actual issues that are being widely discussed regarding political maneuvers towards the 2024 election.

The meeting, which examined the reality of young people as party leaders, technically took the form of a two-way discussion and communication activity between the trigger and the audience. In this forum, the lighters present material and arguments which will then be discussed.

"PSI is currently in the public spotlight because it has just appointed President Jokowi's son Kaesang to be its general chairman, this has caused a lot of debate from various circles. Political interests are considered to be the main factor in Kaesang's election as PSI general chairman. However, this can represent young people in the world of politics. "However, on the other hand, thoughts emerged related to political interests, regarding Kaesang's statement that privilege always exists," said the lighter.

Through the discussion forum, arguments emerged from students that the response to Kaesang's appointment was a big question for the public, whether it was in the interests of the youth or political interests. This is because the political process is considered unusual and too fast. However, there is a positive impact, namely that the presence of dozens of young people to register with PSI will give birth to a new generation of political actors. (van/roz)
