Assessing the Utopia of Civil Society in the Whirlpool of Transformative Leadership Crisis

Thursday, November 23, 2023 21:47 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 23 November 2023. The UMM Government Science Student Association (HIMAP) again held discussion activities through the Debate's Community forum in the eighth week. This activity, which is routinely carried out once a week, aims to nurture students' critical thinking. The discussion activity was attended by Government Science students class of 2022 and 2023.

Acting as a discussion starter, namely a group of five presenters from the class of 2022. The theme discussed in this discussion is entitled "Civil Society Utopia in the Eddy of Transformative Leadership Crisis". This theme was chosen to examine the reality of leadership in civil society situations.

This meeting, which examines the flow of crisis in a transformative leadership system, technically takes the form of a two-way discussion and communication activity between the initiator and the audience. In this forum, the lighters present material and arguments which will then be discussed.

"Civil society is a society that is civilized and equal to civil society. "The idea of ​​transformative leadership in civil society refers to a set of attributes that emerge in the conditions of interaction between leaders and those they lead, especially in efforts to utilize resources to achieve certain goals," explained Igniter.

Through this discussion forum, arguments were developed from students with the conclusion that transformative leadership is leadership that has the ability to change, motivate and optimize the potential of society, as well as maintain values ​​to achieve goals. Thus, good and transformative leaders can certainly create a good civil society too. (van/roz)
