Analyzing COE Class-Based Village Potential Situations and Problems

Wednesday, March 15, 2023 22:47 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, March 15 2023. The IP Study Program held a guest lecture with the theme "Analysis of Village Potential Situations and Village Problems". This theme was raised as a form of sensitivity to villages whose potentials and problems are often overlooked. This activity was attended by a number of class 2020 students who are members of the Village administration flagship class or the Center of Excellence (CoE) program. In the guest lecture, the Head of Bumiaji Village, Mr. Edi Suyanto, was present as a speaker.

In this lecture, the Head of Bumiaji Village explains the potentials that exist in Bumiaji Village which can be developed to increase Village income and also explains what problems exist in Bumiaji Village which can interfere with the development of Village potentials. The Head of Bumiaji Village explained that the problems in Bumiaji Village were the same as those in other villages, the problem lay in inadequate human resources so that the potentials in the Village could not be maximized properly.

The material this time received a very positive response from students, as evidenced by the course of intellectual discussions by students to find solutions to problems that exist in the village so that they are able to take full advantage of the potential of the village.
