Strengthening Human Resources in Analyzing Village Potential and Problems, IP Study Program Holds Guest Lecture

Monday, March 13, 2023 00:11 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, March 9, 2023. To equip students as future government resources capable of responding to the challenges of the times, the Ip Study Program held a guest lecture with the theme "Situation Analysis and Identification of Village Administration". The activity was attended by students from class of 2020 who are members of the Center of Excellence (CoE) program or Village Government flagship class, presenting two resource persons who have been involved in government, namely Mr. Suliono who serves as the village head of Tulungrejo and Mr. Aditya Prasaja, S.STP, M.AP as Head of DP3AP2KB Batu City Office.

In the lecture, both of them explained where regional funds were obtained from and how the APBDES was used which had to be based on the results of the MUSDES, MUSDUS and MUSREBANG. According to them, the execution of the APBDES must rely on the influence of the social environment and the mapping of regional potentials so that their use is not on the wrong target. Both of them also explained that when a village has complex problems, the village must have a priority scale based on shared problems and concerns the livelihoods of many people. In addition, the resource person also explained the process of making a village condition assessment report, then students were asked to immediately try to make a village situation assessment report in groups.

Guest lecture activities also received a positive response from students, this can be seen from the enthusiasm of students in trying to make reports with their respective groups which were directly monitored by the resource persons. At the end of the lecture, each group managed to produce an example of an assessment report on village conditions
