Strengthening Student Academic Aspects: UMM Students Discuss Research Collaboration with Exchange Student Program Students from COLA (College of Local Administration), Khon Kaen University

Thursday, January 02, 2020 19:46 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan
















Research Collaboration of UMM IP Students and Khon Khaen University. (Photo: Special)

Malang, January 02, 2020. Several UMM students and exchange program students from Khon Khaen University Thailand discussed research collaboration. This discussion aims to improve the academic aspects of students in the field of research. In addition, the results of this research can later be in the form of scientific articles that can be published in accredited national journals and international journals. The plan is that six groups will conduct research in three different places. First in Jodipan, then Pujon Kidul and finally in Bumiaji. The discussion was guided by a young lecturer in government science, Ali Roziqin. The meeting was interesting, and students asked many questions about the problems raised in their research. In addition, the discussion also discussed issues that could be raised and become the focus of their research. On this occasion, students also get tips and tricks for good writing so that their work can be worthy of journal publication.
