Yana Syafrieyana and Khrishno Hadi as narasumber (Photo: Special)
UMM Malang IP Study Program always tries to be involved in community empowerment programs. This is done as one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education implementations, namely Community Service. The latest Community Service scheme from the FISIP Block Grant, held on Sunday, December 19, 2021, in Bandulan Village, Sukun District, Malang City.
This activity is called Community Service by Students (PMM) Lecturer partners, which involves collaboration between IP students and UMM IP lecturers. The IP lecturers involved are Drs. Khrishno Hadi, MA, Yana Syafrieyana, S.IP., M.Si and Ali Roziqin, S.PA., M.PA. This activity takes the topic of Disaster Mitigation at the local level, specifically related to natural disasters and health disasters such as Covid-19.
Bandulan Village is one of the areas prone to natural disasters and the spread of Covid-19, so it becomes the location for this PMM. The activity, which was attended by ordinary people and youth groups from the Bandulan sub-district, aimed to discuss the institutional formulation of a disaster mitigation contingency plan to create a Disaster Responsibility Community (Mastana). This activity also aims to increase the skills and knowledge needed by residents to manage risks due to natural disasters or preventative measures that can be taken.
The realization of Mastana is part of the paradigm of disaster risk reduction through integrated and integrated preventive measures. For this reason, the alertness of the community is needed, which of course, has qualified knowledge about disasters. However, it requires a collaboration of relevant stakeholders from the community, RT, RW, youth organizations, the private sector, and the village government to be more effective.
Drs. Khrishno Hadi, MA as the resource person, stated that the Mastana was an effort to make the community more prepared to take anticipatory steps when a disaster occurred at any time. Disasters are often unpredictable like Covid-19, so preventive measures are needed so that the harmful effects are not severe. "The outreach that we carry out aims to transform common awareness about the importance of preparedness in facing disasters that can or cannot be predicted. Then it is related to tactical steps that can be taken, such as processing waste to prevent flooding and slums and enforcing health protocols so that the Covid-19 explosion does not create, "concluded Krishno Hadi.