Interpreting the Meaning of Youth Pledge, Here's What Gen-Z Says

Sunday, October 29, 2023 01:18 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 28 October 2023. Today, 28 October 2023, is the 95th Youth Pledge Commemoration. The Youth Pledge commemoration itself is of course synonymous with Indonesian youth or the current millennial generation. Of course, the meaning of the Youth Pledge itself will not be forgotten in terms of welfare. But of course, time after time, culture and circumstances change very quickly according to developments in time and technology. Of course the question will arise, how do we interpret the Youth Pledge in the current millennial era?

Of course, for the Indonesian nation, we hope that from generation to generation, the current generation can interpret the meaning of the youth oath properly in accordance with the ideals of our ancestors who were the initiators of the birth of the spirit of youth in unity and unity. The Youth Pledge cannot be interpreted simply as an annual custom and celebration, but should be able to reflect the spirit of struggle of the youth who in the past fought to hold spears to achieve independence. One of the struggles of today's youth is to maintain integrity and unity, because of course in the current era of globalization, this sense of unity and oneness could erode the value of brotherhood, if we ourselves are unable to utilize technology properly and there is a lack of tolerance. to accept existing differences.

"The momentum of the Youth Pledge has united all aspects of the nation, not just youth, but from all aspects starting from ethnicity, race and religion. In terms of unity, it involves small things such as respecting each other or respecting each other." According to Gunadi, UMM IP student class of 2021.

Apart from that, Devina, a student of IP UMM class of 2021, added that one of the public figures who is her role model is Maudy Ayunda, because according to Devina Maudy Ayunda is one of the young female public figures who has received the highest possible education to get quality education to demand education from overseas. . According to him, what Indonesian youth can do now is improve the quality of education, so that it can increase innovation and creativity in Indonesian youth.

Gunadi also added one word to the current Youth Pledge, namely "From Youth to the Spearhead of the Indonesian Nation"
