UMM Government Science Student Exchange students are interested in researching Jodipan Colorful Village, Malang

Monday, February 03, 2020 08:32 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

SE IP UMM student research team in Jodipan. (Photo: Special)

Malang, January 30, 2020. Several Exchange students from Thailand and several Government Science students who are members of the research group are interested in researching Jodipan Colorful Village, Malang. An area in the middle of Malang City has significantly changed the community's physical and social structure, which was once a slum village. This densely populated area has even become an artificial tourist destination in Malang City. Every day, local, national, and international tourists always come. This area has also received several awards both nationally and internationally. The emergence of this Colorful Village based on history cannot be separated from the initiation and ideas of several students and lecturers of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. Over time, the concept decided to fire the slum and turn it into a colorful village. Based on these facts, it is the interest of exchange students and government science students to conduct research. This research is an effort of the government and student science study program to present a problem and a solution offered in the form of a scientific paper to become an academic study and be helpful for the development of science and practice in society.
