UMM IP Study Program Students Involved in Assisting the Selection of Aba Ambo (Tourism Ambassador) Kotawaringin Barat 2023

Saturday, October 07, 2023 11:36 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, October 7 2023. Stevania Halim or who is often called Vania, is one of the 2020 Government Science Study Program students who is currently carrying out an Internship Program for four months. Currently Vania is doing an internship at the West Kotawaringin Tourism Office, Central Kalimantan Province. During his internship, he also carried out research for the thesis he wrote. During her internship, Vania was placed in three departments, namely the secretariat, marketing and development.

Vania gained various activities and experiences during her internship. There are also tasks carried out, namely assisting with administration regarding correspondence and distributing SPT SPDD letters or important letters from service heads. The tasks given also include assisting the Head of the General Subdivision to prepare for important meetings held in the Regent's office hall. Apart from assisting in the secretarial sector, he was also involved in assisting the training of the Aba Ambo finalists. The selection of Aba Ambo was carried out by the West Kotawaringin Tourism Office with the aim of creating a West Kotawaringin Tourism Ambassador 2023 as a form of increasing the promotion of West Kotawaringin's natural and artificial tourism.

“In the marketing and development fields, I was only assigned two weeks each. In the marketing sector, he was involved in accompanying the aba ambo finalists for regional dance practice as well as the catwalk for the talent show night and the grand final. "Apart from that, we also took part in preparing the RKA and detailed marketing plan for 2024." according to Vania's explanation. "In the field of development, I took part in official trips related to the implementation of determining tourist attractions in Pangkalan Banteng District, as well as helping to fill in the identification of tourist attractions in several natural or man-made tourist attractions in West Kotawaringin." Vania added.

Vania also said that her internship experience at the West Kotawaringinn Tourism Office was a very meaningful and valuable experience and learning for her. From this internship program, Vania said that she had gained an overview of how the system works in real government, as well as gaining insight into how to plan the future after this.
