UMM IP Study Program Students Involved in the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC) at NCB-Interpol Indonesia

Saturday, September 09, 2023 18:07 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, September 7 2023. The even semester holiday is an opportunity for one of the 2021 UMM Government Science Study Program students, namely Rifki Muhammad, to carry out an independent internship at the National Police's International Relations Division or NCB-Interpol Indonesia. He is carrying out this independent internship, starting from July 17 2023 to September 15 2023.

"The internship place that I chose to fill my holiday time this time was of course based on my personal desire to know how the police institution, especially with foreign governments, relates to criminal acts that occur," he said.

When carrying out an independent internship, Rifki was placed in the Planning and Administration Section for the first month. Subsequently, he was placed in the Set-NCB Interpol section as SPRI Secretary of NCB Interpol Indonesia Brigadier General Pol Amur Chandra J.B, S.H., M.H. The main task given is managing administration related to Set-NCB Interpol.

"NCB-Interpol is usually a subscription for International Relations students, but it turns out it could be an opportunity for me to be part of the student internships here. "Of course I use this opportunity to practice the theory that has been given on campus and to become a source of information about Indonesia's relations with foreign governments regarding criminal acts that occur, especially those involving Indonesian citizens or foreigners," he added.

Rifki also said that when carrying out an independent internship at NCB-Interpol Indonesia, he was able to maximize the opportunity to interview relevant figures with the research data he needed for his research. It didn't stop there, he was also involved in a project implemented by NCB-Interpol, namely the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime (AMMTC).

"The other day there was an AMMTC activity, in the form of a meeting of countries in ASEAN to discuss transnational crime, coincidentally Indonesia was the host and it was held in Labuan Bajo. This event is of course organized by Interpol. "Even though I didn't go to Labuan Bajo directly, I was involved in various administrative preparations which could be said to be very hectic, considering that I served as assistant to the Secretary of Divhubinter," concluded Rifki.

The independent internship carried out by the 2021 class of students certainly received support and appreciation from the UMM Government Science Study Program. The student initiative to carry out independent internship activities can be an opportunity for Government Science students to develop further. (van/roz)
