UMM IP Students are More Intensive in MBKM Activities

Saturday, February 19, 2022 03:26 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Nadya Safitri, one of the participants in the Certified Independent Study (SIB). (Photo: Special)

UMM IP Study Program shows significant developments in the implementation of Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM). As a study program with Excellent accreditation status, IP UMM Study Program has carried out several MBKM activities through students who have participated in several MBKM programs. Ica Indah carried out the latest, Nadya Safitri, Nurfadhilah, Rossiva Indira, who successfully participated in the Certified Independent Study (SIB) held by SEAL (Social Economic Accelerator Lab) together with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Indonesia. This program, entitled Accelerating Digital Transformation in the Government, is planned to be implemented from February 21 to July 22, 2022.

In detail, the activities in this program are carried out in stages. First, from February to April 2022, the learning process is conducted through online public lectures. After that is the final project activity, where the participants will work directly with selected government agencies to be directly involved in digital transformation projects.

Ica Indah, one of the participants, was very enthusiastic and happy to participate in this activity. "This is a precious opportunity, and we have to take it very seriously. We can learn a lot, especially how to understand in detail and comprehensively digital transformation itself. "In addition, we can also contribute directly in helping accelerate digital transformation in the government bureaucracy in Indonesia to be more efficient and effective (optimal), especially during Covid-19 like this," closed Ica.

Furthermore, what was done by Rahman Syahrul Awal by participating in a student exchange program at Padjadjaran University Anthropology Study Program. This collaboration is part of the NUNI scheme: Nusantara University Network, in which there are 14 universities involved, of which UMM Malang and Padjadjaran University are two of them. Furthermore, this program is the third student exchange scheme, namely Student Exchange between Study Programs at different universities, where students can take courses outside their original study program for at least one semester. This activity has been ongoing since February 15 and is planned to be completed in mid-July 2022.

Rahman Syahrul Awal warmly welcomed this golden opportunity. "This is an excellent opportunity for me to be able to study anthropology as a branch of science that I like. Even though it is still done online and is planned to be a hybrid, Rahman is sure that the learning process will not be disrupted. Of the six courses taken with 18 credits, Rahman is sure that he can gain valuable knowledge, knowledge, and experience for him. "I'm sure I can learn a lot through this program because I'm in one of the best anthropology study programs in Indonesia," said Rahman


Rachman Syahrul Awal is a student exchange participant. (Photo: Special)

Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA, as the Head of Government Science Study Program UMM Malang, is also proud and continues to support the success of this program. "Alhamdulillah, this achievement is thanks to the efforts of the students themselves. Our study program only facilitates and guides it. Muhammad Kamil hopes this will be followed by other students considering MBKM is mandatory." We will continue to motivate and help students as much as possible so that they can take part in MBKM according to their wishes and potentials," concluded Kamil.
