6 Students of Government Studies UMM - Internship at PT Sinergi Visi Utama Yogyakarta and Smart ID Malang

Thursday, August 10, 2023 03:32 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, August 10, 2023. UMM Government Science Study Program always facilitates its students to be able to gain knowledge and practical experience as broadly as possible. One of them is by providing opportunities for students to do internships in the private or non-government sector engaged in consulting. This opportunity certainly provides an overview for students regarding how the mechanism is in the world of work, especially in the field of government consultants.

The students who are doing internships in the non-government sector include; at PT. Yogyakarta Main Vision Synergy has 3 students (Adinda Salsabilla, Lailathul Indra Sari, Rathri Dita Efendi) and in Malang City Smart ID there are 2 students (Dimas Fahmi Rizalqi, Lubna Syaugina).

When the internship takes place, students get a jobdesc to help with various jobs in the Research Field to Governance. Specifically, students are involved in several projects, including; Compilation of Development Planning Documents, Institutional Evaluation of Lampung Province Government, Work on West Papua SOP, and Preparation of Central Java and East Java Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Analysis.

“During the internship, we can directly put into practice the knowledge learned in class and get involved in technical work. For example in class we learn about what is RENJA, RPJMD. Then at the internship site, we can directly be involved in the drafting process," said Dimas, one of the apprentice students at Smart ID Malang City.

This is certainly a very valuable practical experience for UMM Government Science Study Program students. Many valuable lessons were gained by students during the internship activities and of course it was a challenge that had its own impression.

"The work system in non-governmental agencies is quite strict in the process of working on each existing project and the working time is set according to predetermined deadlines, you must be ready to work under any pressure under any conditions," concluded Lailathul, an intern student at PT. Yogyakarta Main Vision Synergy. (van/roz)
