The Best Graduate of UMM IP Period IV Turns out to be an Activist

Thursday, December 02, 2021 08:52 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Ike Dwi Ambarwati as the Best Graduate of IP UMM for period 4 in 2021. (Photo: Special)

Thursday, December 12, 2021, at the Joint Lecture Building Hall, 9th floor, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, FISIP carried out the Yudisium Period 4 in 2021 smoothly. It was carried out offline by practicing strict health protocols. It was recorded that 22 students of the UMM Government Science Study Program (IP) participated in the graduation.

One of the highlights is the best graduate named Ike Dwi Ambarwati. The woman born in Bondowoso in 1998 graduated on time (4 years) with Cumlaude predicate, which earned a GPA of 3.88 and named Ike, her nickname, as the best graduate of UMM IP at this graduation. This achievement is extraordinary because Ike has a myriad of academic achievements and has a lot of organizational records, both "intra and extra" campus. Maturity in time management makes his studies continue to be carried out well even though he is active in many organizations. The key, said Ike, is self-management skills and time. Apart from that, it is also the spirit to keep learning, never give up, try, and, of course, pray. For Ike, being a student should go to college and then go home and develop yourself by joining many organizations. In the organization, maturity of attitude and thinking will be trained. The organization is motivated to read, discuss, and write, which supports lectures, especially in completing coursework and thesis. Organize to form a network (social capital) that will be very useful in the future. It is not true that being active in the organization makes lectures neglected, and on the contrary, the organization will increasingly direct students to study well.

Ike also said that this achievement could not be separated from the support and guidance from all lecturers of Government Sciences. Although in Government Sciences, the academic climate is excellent, the lecturers are serious in assisting students' educational activities to be more focused. Ike saw that students' academic achievements increased under Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA, as the Head of  Government Science Study Program (IP UMM). This is evidenced by, for example, the number of IP students who have won national-level debate competitions and student scientific articles published in national and international reputable journals. This humanistic and competitive academic climate motivates Ike to continue to work and excel. The IP study program is extraordinary; besides currently obtaining superior accreditation, it also has lecturers who are dedicated, intelligent, and most importantly, sincerely guide students, are happy and proud to be a big IP family," concluded Ike.
