Launching CoE, UMM IP Study Program Introduces Government and Political Analyst Class

Wednesday, March 09, 2022 20:50 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Launching of CoE Program of Study Program at FISIP UMM. (Photo:Special)

Wednesday, March 9, 2022, the Center of Excellence (CoE) Government Science Study Program, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, was officially launched. This activity was carried out simultaneously with the inauguration of a professor at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, namely Prof. Dr. Muslimin Macmuh, M.Sc. Prof. Mus, his nickname, who currently serves as the dean of FISIP UMM for the solemn period of 2021-2021, is a professor in the field of Communication Studies.

As one of the Study Programs with "Unggul" accreditation status, IP UMM focuses on the CoE program in the School of Government and Political Analyst. The program is then lowered into three classes. First, the Regional Governance Class with sub-classes of Bureaucratic Reform, Performance Improvement of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Public Service and Human Resources Management (HR). Second, the Village Administration Class with sub-classes of Electronic Planning (Pernik), Integrated Village Information System (Sinter), Management of Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes), and Village Asset Management. Third, Junior Parliament Class with sub-class Introduction to the Main Duties and Functions of the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD), Introduction to DPRD Complementary Tools, Introduction to Factions, Introduction to DPRD Regulations,

The Head of UMM IP Study Program, Muhammad Kamil, S.IP., MA, who was present at the event, expressed his strong optimism about the success of this program. Kamil, his nickname, said that CoE is a mandate from the Merdeka Learning program, Merdeka Campus, where every study program is requested to create and develop a research-based center of excellence based on the disciplines possessed. It is hoped that this CoE will contribute to students and ex-students (alumni) and other relevant stakeholders (government and non-government agencies). "The Government and Political Analyst Class that we developed with various classes aims to improve the quality of graduates through additional experience and problem-solving skills." Kamil added that the output of this class would be beneficial for graduates when they face the world of work: "There are about 75 thousand villages in Indonesia, in the DPRD, strengthening of functions and institutions is continuously being carried out, and that is how local governance with the principles of Good Governance is now the principal obligation of every citizen area.

Muhammad Kamil and Apriyanto Romadhan. (Photo:Special)

So far, UMM's CoE IP Program is in the finalization stage of concepts and technical guidelines. This was confirmed by Achmad Apriyanto Romadhan, S.IP., M.Si, as Secretary of UMM IP Study Program. "This program is planned to be carried out in May 2022; currently, we focus on developing and finalizing the implementation concept. Apriyanto added that several related parties had been invited to cooperate, namely five villages in Magetan Regency, which have signed the cooperation. "Soon, we will explore similar cooperation with the DPRD and local governments in the Malang Raya area," closed Apriyanto.
