Continuing the Champion Tradition, IP Futsal Team Wins 1st Place Again at FISIPHORIA 3.0

Sunday, May 28, 2023 18:13 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang. 25/5/23 The faculty level competition event in the futsal sports branch has ended with the acquisition of a very satisfying title for the Government Science Study Program. The Government Science team again won the title after some time ago the volleyball competition won the championship. In contrast to volleyball which was the first achievement in the 1st place position, this time futsal was the second time in the previous Dean Cup Fisiphoria event. This satisfactory result is inseparable from the support and sacrifice of various parties involved as a form of dedication to the study program. This activity is a forum for the various interests and talents of students to carry out the optimization of their various abilities which are accommodated by the Student Executive Board (BEM) FISIP UMM. In addition to competitions for sportsmanship, this kind of event is also a good effort in knitting the cohesiveness of the players and all students who are embodied from the various competitions that have taken place.

The efforts of the players in competing are ensured with maximum results as "champion" which has become the tagline of each team competing in the competition represents Government Science. The team manager also emphasized his gratitude for the achievements the team had achieved. Faishal & Henry (team manager): thank God the science of Government managed to get first place in the dean competition. All of this is also thanks to the efforts of the team and officials who have tried their best even though there were some problems but thank God they were resolved properly so we managed to achieve maximum results.
