UMM IP Laboratory Collaborates with BPS Batu City and Batu City Manpower Office in the Implementation of Practicum on Development Planning System

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 03:19 WIB   Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan

Malang, 25 November 2023. In order to follow up on the practicum activities for the Development Planning Systems Course, the UMM Government Science Laboratory collaborates with BPS Batu City and the Batu City Manpower Service to provide outreach to students to convey field practicum techniques.

The socialization activity was attended by all practicum students in the Development Planning Systems course taught by Dr. Suyoto, M.Sc. Practical activities were also accompanied directly by the Laboratory Assistant and Head of the Laboratory, namely Mr. Ali Roziqin, S.A.P, M.P.A.

Technically, students will later carry out a practicum in the form of a survey to update open unemployment data. This was carried out to provide updates to existing unemployment data in Batu City based on data sent by the Village and Subdistrict Governments.

In particular, the open unemployment data update survey aims to obtain the latest data on the number of unemployed and their development. Apart from that, this open unemployment data update survey is also to map the condition of unemployment in Batu City, which will later be used as consideration by stakeholders.

"When collecting data in the field, please follow the references or instruments that we provide, including filling in the respondent's personal data correctly and thoroughly and asking questions according to the guidelines," explained the speaker from BPS Batu City, when giving the briefing.

The practicum carried out by these students also aims to provide technical survey learning in the Development Planning Systems course. After conducting the survey, it is hoped that it will provide benefits to the government agencies concerned, practicum students, and the wider community. This is a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely Education, Research and Service. (van/roz)
